The Future of Camp Tuolumne - Friends of Berkeley Tuolumne Camp The Future of Camp Tuolumne - Friends of Berkeley Tuolumne Camp

Celebrating over 100 years of Camp Tuolumne!

We cannot thank you enough for carrying the ‘Tuolumne Spirit’ since The Rim Fire of 2013, and doing everything you can to bring it back to the Camp we all desire! Camp reopened in the summer of 2022, and there were so many joyful families thrilled to be back at the river and camp.  The City did a Herculean job getting open for the first summer. Every summer promises to be even better. With support from the City and feedback from the community in our recent survey, the Friends will continue to work on improving and enhancing the camp experience!

               FOBTC’s programs include:

A.  Nature: Plant trees of varying sizes, irrigation, year round watering and more to bring back the forest.

1. Support trail restoration and safely rebuild pathways out of camp into the forest. We successfully restored Small Falls Trail in 2022 and 2023. We weeded and mulched every pathway in camp as nature has returned. In the summers ahead – restore the Sugar Pine Trail!

2. Create a Nature Center program to train staff to lead a robust experience for campers and help our plants and trees thrive and survive.

B. Traditions: Re-establish camp traditions, art, activities and songs.

1. Recover art, images and other memorabilia that were once present at camp and should be returned.

2. Design welcome packets that include song books, traditions and activities.

C:   Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: Foster diversity and inclusion for staff and campers, increasing accessibility

1. Increase outreach for staff positions to new youth in Berkeley so new people from diverse backgrounds can experience Camp.

2.  We want camp to be accessible and affordable for everyone. Help promote the campership program the City offers to families, for CIT programs, and for youths at Echo Lake.

D.  Camp Improvement Projects:

More Shade in Main Camp,  larger move-in Carts,  air-conditioners for Staff Cabins,  more shade coverings for decks, benches for the volleyball court etc.

FOBTC is listening to campers and staff and working with the City to improve anything we can to enhance the experience at Camp.


There are so many ways to get involved! You can make a donation that supports these programs, help locate old artifacts and items from camp, lead an activity to rejuvenate camp spirit, support and attend the fall gala, or volunteer for a tree planting. What matters most is that our whole community joins together and pitches in for camp! When camp opened in 2022, we were able to truly say that every one of us did it together! Now comes the time to make adjustments and improvements.

Why give? For generations, Camp Tuolumne has ignited us all with the Camp Spirit. Since 1922, Camp has been a place for families to reunite, friendships made, and communities built. It’s a place everyone can connect with nature, explore and be their best self. Since the Rim Fire in 2013 destroyed our Camp, Camp needs nurturing and restoring year by year. Now is our time to honor this place and ensure that future generations can receive these same gifts we did. Join your fellow campers, former staff and Tuolumne community with a gift to strengthen Camp Tuolumne for the next 100 years and beyond.


We are aiming for 100 percent participation from every camper and former staff member!

We want to give everyone who loves Camp a chance to be part of this unique time to re-establish Camp. Not just in year one, but for the next generation, and the one after that. All ages, all walks of life, any amount helps—what matters most is that our whole community joins together and pitches in to open the camp we love, as we remember it, in 2022!

This Centennial CAMPaign is a great way to teach your kids they can make meaningful change in the world by supporting the causes they care about. It’s a way to join with friends to make a lasting contribution to a place you care about. There are so many ways to give! When Camp reopens in 2022, we want to be able to say we all—every one of us—truly did it together!

Make a donation today!

Your donations to the Centennial Campaign will support FOBTC’s reopening and rebuilding efforts at Camp Tuolumne.

The Friends of Berkeley Tuolumne Camp is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization and your donations are tax deductible. Our federal tax ID is 94-2976224.


Thank you to campers, former staff and the entire Tuolumne community for your contributions to the 2019 Rebuilding CAMPaign. Click here for our donor list.

Centennial CAMPaign donors will also be recognized at Camp:

  • Stewardship donors ($1,000+) will be named on leaf plaques that make up a beautiful donor tree mounted in the Dining Hall
  • Green Chair Circle donors ($10,000+) will be named on a plaque on a Green Chair
  • Leadership donors ($25,000+) will be named on a large plaque near the fireplace or the donor’s favorite place in Camp upon approval

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