Stock donations are a very popular and easy way to give. They have several tax advantages and you will receive a tax deduction for the value of the stock. The Friends of Berkeley Tuolumne Camp is set up with the North Berkeley Investment Partners to accept your donations of appreciated stock.
If you choose this option, please email to let us know!
Here are gift instructions to provide your bank or broker:
I wish to make a gift to the Friends of Berkeley Tuolumne Camp of “x” shares of “XYZ” Corporation. Please transfer the stock to the Friends of Berkeley Tuolumne Camp as follows:
Pershing, LLC
DTC: # 0443
Beneficiary: Friends of Berkeley Tuolumne Camp
Acct. Number: QAN 237821
Questions about your donation? Please contact:
Matt Gatt (
North Berkeley Investment Partners
900 Colusa Ave Suite 201 – Berkeley, CA 94707
(510) 528-5820