FOBTC Moves the Rebuilding Process Forward!

Last April 2017, as the Berkeley City Council was getting ready to vote for or against the rebuilding of Camp, The Friends of Berkeley Tuolumne Camp committed a $50,000 contribution from the camper community IF the Council voted YES for rebuilding Camp. City Council needs to see community fundraising when it commits to funding city projects with taxpayer money. For the past year, we have negotiated with the City staff to make sure any contributions went into a special account to be used ONLY for Tuolumne rebuilding costs and improvements, not for staff costs, general City fund costs, etc..


On July 24, 2018, FOBTC contributed a $50,000 check into a special line-item budget fund that can only be used for rebuilding costs for Camp Tuolumne, and the Council accepted this donation with a Special Resolution, making it law. We now have our path for making sure we can support the rebuilding process and accept donations from campers and make sure it will go towards Camp Tuolumne!


FOBTC is working with the project managers to be up to date with what insurance will pay to replace, what FEMA will then call FEMA approved projects they’ll cover (75%), what the City will cover, and what will potentially NOT be there. An example of this is shade – insurance and FEMA will not pay to replace the lost trees.  We will need architectural shade as well as trees, and a natural replanting in main camp. FOBTC will stay on top of this developing situation and be a portal for campers who want to support having camp be comfortable and beautiful from day 1. Feel free to reach out to to meet and discuss your enthusiasm and excitement for giving, and get a detailed plan.


The current timeline is for camp to be built over 2 years (2021/2022), after design and environmental reviews (2019/2020), and be open summer 2022. Lets keep moving the ball forward to stay on this timeline and be back at the river as soon as possible!

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