Rebuilding CAMPaign Deadline Extended!

We just met with the City of Berkeley and learned that we can continue fundraising!

We have more time to raise the critical funding needed to rebuild and restore Camp Tuolumne! So, let’s not only reach that $1 million goal, let’s FLY past it! 

Because we are committed to revitalizing Camp’s natural surroundings. It will take years of hard work, dedication, and support to bring back the forest that we miss so much. The more we raise in this CAMPaign, the more mature trees and vegetation we can plant now, in 2022 and beyond.

Join us campers and staff! This is the moment to help Camp rise from the ashes and be a place to make cherished memories once again. Join us by donatingpledging a gift, sharing the news or talking to your friends and family. We need you! 

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